December 13

Training and Partner Success Part III: Account Building & Business Planning 

This post was originally published on this site

In the last two parts we explained how our back-office training is handled. In short, after a partner signs up with us, their initial trainings are focused on all things back-office. The next steps in our training process are our account building then our business planning. 

Account Building

The new partner will be scheduled with a technical engineer, who will train the partner on how to build an end user account on our platform. The technical engineer will guide the partner on how phone numbers are ordered, how users are added, how devices are provisioned, and how to submit a porting case. 

Once the sell account is created, the technical engineer will go in depth on topics such as how to set up a caller ID, how to create an auto-attendant, or creating a line-key template for a device. We traditional recommended the first account be used for an internal resource or testing purposes  

The technical engineer is equipped to answer questions the partner may have during the training, whether it’s a question on what devices we are compatible with to how a specific feature set is enabled, or how to set up the mobile app. Regardless the partner can have peace of mind knowing their technical questions can be answered for them. 

The goal is for the partner to have a comfortable understanding of how to build an end-user account on our platform. Of course, account build training and technical related questions don’t end with this training session, partners are encouraged to reach out as they need assistance with anything technical. 

Business Planning 

The final, step in the training process is the business planning session. This session is where the partner will be introduced to their Partner Advocate. The Partner Advocate will not only be responsible for the business planning session, but will be the partners main point of contact during their WLC partnership.   

During the business planning session, the Partner Advocate will be interested in learning more about the partner’s core business, why they chose White Label Communications, who they plan to sell to and what their revenue goals are around the solution. 

With this understanding of the Partners business and target market, the Partner Advocate can provide expertise and work with the partner to help them achieve their revenue goals.  This can include how to sell to different verticals, different sized companies as well as best practices around marketing WLC solution to end customers.  The Partner Advocate will also be the main point of contact to coordinate additional resources at WLC to help the partner achieve their revenue goals.   

At the end of the day, this is all about setting the partner up for success and giving them a dedicated resource they can rely on here at White Label Communications to ensure that success. The Partner Advocate will assist our partners through the lifetime of the partnership, whether it’s sales or technical related, the Partner Advocate will guide our partners to the right track for their requests. 

For any current partners that may have questions, please contact your partner development manager. For any prospective partners that are interested in learning more, please schedule a discovery call today


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